
A “special” menu to celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a celebration that dates back to 3rd century Rome, when a priest named Valentine began to secretly celebrate marriages between young lovers, against the order of Emperor Claudius II, who forbade such acts. Upon learning of this, the emperor sentenced the priest to death on February 14th 270 BC. 

That is why, on this date, we commemorate Valentine’s Day, where love is in the air and we encourage you to show it to the person you love with a “special” menu.

The menu we propose consists of a starter, a first course, a second course and a dessert, with a final touch of Cuban flavour. Below, we give you all the details, take note!

As a starter we recommend a creamy mousse with sweet words every morning.

For the first course we suggest a complete salad with a lot of caresses and smiles. Add a pinch of emotion, if it seems a little bland.

For the second course you can enjoy a mellow of unique moments, full of fun encounters.

And we close this “special” love menu with a magnificent coulant of kisses and a passion fruit sorbet… to keep the flame burning.  

And speaking of flame, if the menu has been to your liking, share with your loved a Romeo y Julieta Club, to remember with the aromas of the best Cuban tobacco one of the most famous love stories in the world.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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