Christmas desserts and Cuban mini cigars: sweet temptation

At Christmas time, sharing sweet moments with family and friends is a deep-rooted tradition in many homes around the world. Discover some of the most emblematic desserts that are a must on your Christmas table.

Let’s start with a classic that is very typical in many countries and has conquered palates all over the world: the nougat. This mixture of toasted almonds and sugar comes in three main varieties: soft nougat, hard nougat and chocolate nougat. Its soft or crunchy texture makes it the perfect accompaniment to share with your loved ones during the festive season.

Straight from Italy comes the panettone: a spongy cake filled with candied fruit and nuts. Its distinctive taste and aroma make this sweet bread a popular choice at Christmas time. You can enjoy it with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee.

We travel to France to show you the bûche de Noël or Christmas log. It is a dessert in the shape of a tree trunk and is made with sponge cake and cream. The decoration with butter and chocolate simulates the bark of a tree, creating a charming and delicious presentation.

We can’t forget the fun gingerbread biscuits, which are presented in the shape of stars or dolls and decorated with glassed sugar.

We close this tour of the most traditional sweets of the festive season with the Roscón de Reyes (Three Wise Men’s cake): a classic in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries. This sweet doughnut is decorated with candied fruit and sugar, and its filling can be cream or truffle. Eating a piece of Roscón de Reyes is a tradition that marks the end of Christmas celebrations.
To complete this sweet tasting we suggest you light up a Montecristo Club or a Romeo y Julieta Puritos, two Cuban mini cigars that are ideal for their rich aroma and balanced strength. Christmas is not only about gifts and decorations, but also about sharing special moments around the table.

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