Oktoberfest: Cuban mini cigars and beers. A good pairing?

It is considered one of the most popular drinks in the world and, in fact, it is the protagonist of celebrations and meetings. Undoubtedly, beer is a great ally to combine with a Cuban mini cigar and enjoy a tasty moment.

The origins of beer date back 5,000 years to Mesopotamia. Different sources assure that it was a group of archaeologists who discovered that at that time something similar to what we know today as beer was beginning to be made.

In Egypt, for example, it was not only used for drinking, but also as part of rituals and mythological ceremonies. In China it was consumed as a medicinal component, and in Germany it is a cause for celebration thanks to the traditional Oktoberfest: the world’s most famous festival where beer is drunk without limit.

There are different types of beer, according to their aroma and flavour, as is the case with Cuban mini cigars. You just need to choose one and pair it with your favorite beer. 

We suggest combining a Pils beer, one of the most consumed in Germany, with a Cohiba Short, of a soft-medium strength. This combination is full of tradition and history, as Cohiba is also one of the most popular brands of Cuban cigarillos in the world.

Experience the month of beer, either by attending the Oktoberfest in Munich or from another place with your Cuban mini cigars. A perfect appetizer to start autumn on the right foot. 


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