Romeo y Julieta Mini and chocolate: The sweet moment of the day.

Cocoa has played a fundamental role in the history of mankind for centuries. Its origin goes back to the tropical zones of Central and South America, which inevitably leads us to relate it to Cuban mini cigars. A very tasty pair that will delight any fan.

Cocoa is the food of the gods and has its origins in Aztec and Mayan roots. In fact, the Mayas were the first to cultivate and consume cocoa around 1900 B.C. It was not only a food, but also a symbol of status and prestige. Something similar to what happens every time you light up a Romeo y Julieta Mini, made with selected leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region and a very balanced and aromatic blend.

Chocolate is the name given to the final product processed from the fruit of the cocoa tree. Since its discovery, its cultivation and consumption have been increasing, and its propagation and diffusion have been so big that today there is no corner of the world where chocolate is not consumed, which is rich in antioxidants, iron and calcium.

Enjoying this Cuban mini cigar paired with a drink with cocoa or a piece of chocolate is pure pleasure. Undoubtedly, cocoa is much more than a food, as is the case with these cigarillos: it is more than just lighting one up. 

Savoring a Romeo y Julieta Mini with a cup of hot chocolate, while reading a few pages of a book or listening to music in the background, is an ideal combination that will bring you calm and well-being in all senses. A classic that never fails.

27 de June, 2024  ·  Short list

Sunsets from the sea, desert and mountain

Summer is synonymous with gatherings, cocktails in hand, endless after-dinner conversations, and dreamlike sunsets in unforgettable places. Taking advantage of this occasion, we explore the unique sunsets of the world, from the sea, the desert, and the mountain. Perhaps it will inspire the destination of your next trip! And while we're at it, if you accompany them with a Romeo y Julieta Mini full of passion, the evening will be postcard-worthy.
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Sushi, conquering the world in mini bites

With the arrival of good weather, sitting down to enjoy some nigirsi or makis with a glass of rosé can be a very interesting plan. Even more so if you finish the feast by lighting up your favourite Cuban mini cigar, adding more flavour and aroma to your moment.
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Tobacco also made canvas

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