
How to make the perfect Cuban mojito

The Cuban mojito is one of the most emblematic cocktails. Its combination of freshness and flavour makes it the ideal cocktail for relaxation on a summer day.

Legend has it that it was created in the 16th century as an alternative version of a cocktail called “El Draque”, in honour of the English pirate Sir Francis Drake, who combined brandy, sugar, water and mint to alleviate the stomachache suffered by some of his crew.

Today, there are up to 240 varieties of mojito, however, the Cuban mojito known as of today became popular in the 1930s in the bar La Bodeguita del Medio, in Havana, a place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world, partly also due to the recommendation of Ernest Hemingway, who left a well-known phrase in the Cuban city: “My mojito in La Bodeguita, my daiquiri in El Floridita”.

Here’s how to make the original Cuban mojito, from the ingredients needed to the steps to follow, and of course, the best way to pair it. 

You will need:

60 grams of Cuban white rum

15 grams of freshly squeezed lime juice

2 teaspoons of white sugar

6-8 fresh mint leaves

Sparkling water or soda

Crushed ice

Lime slices and mint sprigs for garnish

Here’s how it’s done:

Step 1

Place the mint leaves and sugar in the bottom of a tall glass. Use a pestle and mortar to gently crush the mint together with the sugar. This step is crucial to release the essential oils in the mint, which are responsible for the characteristic aroma and flavour of the Cuban mojito. 

Step 2

Add the lime juice to the glass and mix it well with the mint and sugar. Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved in the lime juice to avoid graininess in the cocktail.

Step 3

Add the Cuban white rum to the mixture. Cuban rum is essential to maintain the authenticity of the mojito, and it must be of good quality.

Step 4

Fill the glass to the brim with ice. Then top up with sparkling water or soda, stirring gently to combine all the ingredients without losing the effervescence.

Step 5

Garnish the mojito with a slice of lime and a sprig of fresh mint. It not only enhances the presentation of the cocktail, but also intensifies its aroma.
Moreover, to complete your 100% Cuban experience, light up a Partagás Mini, with its intense and exquisite flavour, brought by its blend made with filler and binder from Vuelta Abajo. Enjoy!

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