Menu with autumn flavours to enjoy an afternoon full of taste and aroma.

We take a tour around the most traditional recipes in a kitchen that tastes like autumn. Smells of freshly baked pie, roasted chestnuts, soups, and delicious creams to enjoy in warm places. This month our kitchen is full of mushrooms, nuts, figs, pumpkins, and fruits such as apples and pears. That is why we invite you to take a walk through the most traditional seasonal cuisine with an easy-to-make autumn menu. 

Let’s light up the stove!

We start with a quick and very sweet recipe: pumpkin puree. 

All you need is pumpkin, onion, and some water. A dish full of flavour and suitable for all palates. Enjoy a smooth and silky puree that you can prepare as a starter.

As a first course, we suggest you prepare something tasty and simple: mushrooms with garlic. Of course, it is essential that they are well cleaned before cooking. Pour a generous handful into a frying pan, add oil, salt, garlic, and parsley to taste and… you will have an easy and irresistible dish with seasonal mushrooms!

Leave room for dessert! A good menu cannot be without a classic: dessert. For this, we chose the chestnut, as a true autumn jewel, to be the protagonist of our end of the party. You can cook it roasted, cooked, or pureed. And prepare it to make cakes, creams, flans, or as a filling for sponge cake. 

If you have a little more experience in the kitchen, you can prepare the well-known marrón glacé: a dessert with candied chestnuts to which you can add a little brandy or aniseed to sweeten it even more. You will be left with very tasty chestnuts, ideal to enjoy with a Cohiba Mini, for example.

This classic Cuban mini cigar of mild-medium strength, made with an exclusive selection of Vuelta Abajo tobacco leaves, is perfect to close a classic, simple, and tasty menu. 

As you have seen, autumn is not only about leaves and wind, so prepare your palate and enjoy the fall. Happy season!

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