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June 27, 2024  ·  Short list

Sunsets from the sea, desert and mountain

Summer is synonymous with gatherings, cocktails in hand, endless after-dinner conversations, and dreamlike sunsets in unforgettable places. Taking advantage of this occasion, we explore the unique sunsets of the world, from the sea, the desert, and the mountain. Perhaps it will inspire the destination of your next trip! And while we're at it, if you accompany them with a Romeo y Julieta Mini full of passion, the evening will be postcard-worthy.
May 9, 2024  ·  Short list

A selection of five series to keep you laughing alongside a classic of Cuban mini cigars

What better way to relax than with a good dose of laughter? Here is a selection of the most classic comedy in the history of television, perfect for a fun-filled time. 
April 29, 2024  ·  Short list

Explore seasonal flavours and pair them with three Cuban mini cigars

Spring is at its peak and more and more of its fresh, varied and vibrant flavours are appearing on our tables. It's time to enjoy the gastronomic experiences of this season accompanied by some Cuban mini cigars, to live a feast full of taste and aromas.
March 8, 2024  ·  Short list

Oscar movies to enjoy with Cuban mini cigars

The 96th edition of the Oscars arrives next Sunday on Hollywood's famous red carpet. A night full of cinema, glamour, emotion and fun in charge of the most famous statuette in the world. An ideal moment to enjoy the seventh art in all its splendour. Here are three ideas for you to experience the night as it deserves: lights, camera... And Cuban mini cigars!
October 5, 2023  ·  Short list

Music and minis: four classic operas to enjoy with four classic Cuban mini cigars

The first edition of World Opera Day will take place for the first time thanks to the initiative of Ópera América, Ópera Latinoamérica and Ópera Europa. The celebration coincides with the birthdays of Bizet and Strauss II, which is why we propose four classic Cuban mini cigars to enjoy this theatrical genre that was born 400 years ago.
August 10, 2023  ·  Short list

Five Cuban mini cigars to pair with five cocktails this summer

Enjoying a cigarillo accompanied by a good cocktail is, without a doubt, a great plan to savor the summer even more. That's why we propose five Cuban mini cigars to combine with a refreshing cocktail and enjoy a unique moment. Chin, chin!
April 21, 2023  ·  Short list

A tour around the world through five books (and five Cuban minis cigars in the suitcase)

For more than 30 years, every April 23rd has been celebrated worldwide as the World Book Day. And since we think that combining a book and a Cuban mini cigar is a pleasure of life, here is our Short list to enjoy both.
March 13, 2023  ·  Short list

Oscar Awards 2023, our Short List of nominated films

Yesterday the 95th edition of the Oscar Awards was held and, as every year, the gala has been full of surprises that have left no one indifferent. The star of the night was Everything Everywhere All at Once, winner of the Oscar for the best picture.