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September 26, 2024  ·  Trends

Welcome autumn with Cuban rhythms and Cuban mini cigars

If you need an extra boost to welcome the new season, Cuban son, mambo, and salsa will be your allies. Lighting up a Cuban mini cigar while listening to the best melodies from the island will complete your experience.
May 23, 2024  ·  Trends

Tobacco also made canvas

In May, we celebrate International Museum Day, where culture and tradition merge with the avant-garde. It’s the perfect excuse to sneak into five famous art galleries around the world and take a close look at five artworks where tobacco plays a starring role.
March 20, 2024  ·  Trends

Welcome spring! It’s time to celebrate it with a Cuban mini cigar!

For all those who live in the northern hemisphere, spring is here. One of the most awaited seasons, where the weather becomes warmer, the days are longer and nature displays all its splendour. We want to give the best of welcomes to spring, a time when you can enjoy more and better the outdoors, getaway trips, picnics, snacks on terraces and... Cuban mini cigars!
February 14, 2024  ·  Trends

A “special” menu to celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is a celebration that dates back to 3rd century Rome, when a priest named Valentine began to secretly celebrate marriages between young lovers, against the order of Emperor Claudius II, who forbade such acts. Upon learning of this, the emperor sentenced the priest to death on February 14th 270 BC. That is why, on this date, we commemorate Valentine's Day, where love is in the air and we encourage you to show it to the person you love with a "special" menu.
January 22, 2024  ·  Trends

The best snow slopes in the world

The ski season is here! January is, without a doubt, one of the favourite months to practice this sport, which has already attracted many enthusiasts. Whether beginners or more experienced, there are many who take advantage of the weekend to go down the snowy mountains and enjoy a day in the snow. 
January 15, 2024  ·  Trends

Three Cuban mini cigars to brighten up your “Blue Monday”

Celebrating the little moments of everyday life not only improves our mood, but also benefits our general well-being. And this becomes indispensable today, on the dreaded "Blue Monday", the so-called saddest Monday of the year. So, we propose three Cuban cigarillos in Mini format to enjoy and make your Monday a Monday with a Friday flavour. What do you think?
December 14, 2023  ·  Trends

Four Christmas plans for tasting your favourite Cuban mini cigars

The most magical season of the year is here! If you are looking to immerse yourself in the essence of Christmas, we propose four plans that will transport you to a world of lights, charming markets and family moments, where Cuban mini cigars will also be the protagonists
September 21, 2023  ·  Trends

Oktoberfest: Cuban mini cigars and beers. A good pairing?

It is considered one of the most popular drinks in the world and, in fact, it is the protagonist of celebrations and meetings. Undoubtedly, beer is a great ally to combine with a Cuban mini cigar and enjoy a tasty moment.
August 24, 2023  ·  Trends

This August, we traveled to Havana, home of the Cuban mini cigars factory and the perfect holiday destination.

It is an all-terrain city: rich in history, culture, beauty and… Cuban mini cigars. Its cobblestone streets, colorful colonial buildings and the joy of its people are unmistakable signs of Havana, the capital of Cuba. This city is a destination that does not go unnoticed, especially if you are a fan of Cuban cigarillos. 
July 13, 2023  ·  Trends

Tell me where you travel to, and I’ll tell you which Cuban mini cigar to smoke

If you are a fan of smoking Cuban mini cigars and enjoy packing your bags and getting away, either to the next city or to the other side of the world, you will like this recommendation in which we play to think of a cigarillo for each destination. Let's take off!
June 15, 2023  ·  Trends

Five plans for the summer and five Cuban minis to go with them

In a few days summer finally arrives, and that usually means rest, trips and time spent in the open air, all activities that suit Cuban mini cigars smokers very well. So, to whet your appetite, here are five recommendations to enjoy these endless days with some of our favourite cigarillos.