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June 14, 2024  ·  Gastro

Sushi, conquering the world in mini bites

With the arrival of good weather, sitting down to enjoy some nigirsi or makis with a glass of rosé can be a very interesting plan. Even more so if you finish the feast by lighting up your favourite Cuban mini cigar, adding more flavour and aroma to your moment.
December 21, 2023  ·  Gastro

Christmas desserts and Cuban mini cigars: sweet temptation

At Christmas time, sharing sweet moments with family and friends is a deep-rooted tradition in many homes around the world.
November 13, 2023  ·  Gastro

Menu with autumn flavours to enjoy an afternoon full of taste and aroma.

We take a tour around the most traditional recipes in a kitchen that tastes like autumn. Smells of freshly baked pie, roasted chestnuts, soups, and delicious creams to enjoy in warm places. This month our kitchen is full of mushrooms, nuts, figs, pumpkins, and fruits such as apples and pears. That is why we invite you to take a walk through the most traditional seasonal cuisine with an easy-to-make autumn menu. 
September 7, 2023  ·  Gastro

Romeo y Julieta Mini and chocolate: The sweet moment of the day.

Cocoa has played a fundamental role in the history of mankind for centuries. Its origin goes back to the tropical zones of Central and South America, which inevitably leads us to relate it to Cuban mini cigars. A very tasty pair that will delight any fan.
July 27, 2023  ·  Gastro

A tour around Europe for an aperitif

In Spain, going out for an aperitif is a tradition, as it is in other European countries such as Italy. But who said it is exclusive to the Mediterranean? We take a tour around the continent to see how the "la hora del vermú" is lived.
May 26, 2023  ·  Gastro

The perfect cigarillo to combine with a cup of Cuban coffee

Black, strong and with sugar, a version of Italian espresso with extra sweetness. This is the traditional way of drinking coffee in Cuba. And an excellent option is to combine it with a Cuban mini cigar. ¿Which one? Trinidad Short.
April 26, 2023  ·  Gastro

Montecristo Short and vermouth: the perfect aperitif

Italian origin, German name and worldwide fame, vermouth has become synonymous with aperitif in many countries. What if we combine a drink with so much history with one of the trendiest Cuban mini cigars? Here's why they work so well together.